Most mornings, I feel like a crazy chicken. In between the "Eat-your-breakfast's" and "Hurry!-The-bus-is-coming!'s", I don't really have time to wake up properly and consider the day ahead. It doesn't help that I am the exact opposite of a morning person and better left alone until my second cup of coffee is in my hand.
During the holiday season when I was at my busiest, I gave myself an extra hour or two to work on orders and wake up way before the regularly scheduled morning insanity began. It was hard at first, but then I realized that I really needed that quiet time to allow my thoughts to unfold naturally, instead of abruptly slamming the door on them while making breakfasts, preparing lunches, and hustling people out the door. My day got off to a much better start, and I was not rushed, nor did I rush my kids or become exasperated with my husband (who is very much a morning person). Taking the time to welcome the morning more slowly (and alone), made me 100% nicer to be around.
After Christmas break I decided to stick to my early morning schedule and use that extra hour to take Rock for a walk. We walk down into the center of our little town, taking a route we have taken many times before, but never before the town is awake.
Less talking. More doing.
More living. Less worrying.

Every morning as I head back to my home the sun rises, lifting the curtain between.
Every morning as I head back to my home the sun rises, lifting the curtain between.
Now is the time.
This is the year.
Let us begin.
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